FAQ: When Will My Break Run? | Sports Box Breaks

Q: I just bought a break spot, when will it run?

A: SBB promotes ALL cases very heavily over several different promotional channels in an attempt to sell out spots as quickly as possible.  However, we are fully at the mercy of our break buyers to fill all spots in our cases, and can NOT simply absorb unsold spots.

Above being said, we do need to fill up ALL SPOTS in any given Case Break before we can break that case.  Many spot pickups happen during the Scheduled Live Stream, this is why it's VERY IMPORTANT to show up to our YouTube Live Stream on the scheduled night of the break.  The bigger our numbers are during the Live Stream, the better chance we will have of filling the case break.

Please do keep in mind that you guys have the exact same information that we do as to when something will break.  Please review our Break Schedule page, along with the remaining number of teams (information on this page) to get an idea of when something will break. 

Q: What if the break doesn't fill, do you just refund me?

A: Every break absolutely will fill.  SBB invests 10's of thousands of dollars into these cases each and every month.  We certainly don't buy the cases to have them sitting on the shelves guys, we buy them to rip.  

While you might be invested for $40, we're invested for the full cost of the case -- and don't recoup that investment until the case does rip & cards ship out to you.  So we're both after the same end result here - which is why we ask that if you have it within your budget, do consider picking up extra team spots to get the cases that much cloer to being filled.

Your patience in holding to your committed spots, along with additional pickups & word of mouth to fellow breakers is what the entire breaking group needs to see these cases through to being fully SOLD OUT.

Q: Can I tell how many spots are remaining in my break?

A: Yes you can.  In each product page on our website, you will see an "SPOTS LEFT" field -- indicating how many active spots are still remaining on this break.   The lower the number of Available spots, the closer we are to running that break.  

Simply BROWSE to your selected break (take note of the Break # you hold your spots in), or use the website's SEARCH feature to find your exact case break.  

On the resulting product page you will see the following:


Q: You had a break scheduled on Release Day but it didn't run.  How come?

A: All scheduled breaks are tentative, based on if that break has fully sold or not.  SBB does receive all New Release product on the very day it's released, but we may have to push the Live Break back until the majority of spots are sold.


Q: I missed the Live Break!  How can I see what was pulled from that break?

A: All of SBB's Live Breaks are recorded, and then uploaded immediately to our YouTube Channel.  So if you could not catch the action LIVE, you can always watch the full archived broadcast.